сварочный позиционер, сварочный манипулятор
English Russian Spanish French Arabic
Where is your company located?
Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China. Not far from Pudong International Airport, Shanghai (PVG).

Can I visit your company?
Yes, we will always be glad to see you at our enterprise. We are always happy to meet you at the airport.

Do you offer OEM services?
Yes, we offer OEM services for our customers.

Can I become your representative?
Yes, we offer a special price for our equipment to representatives.

How do you package your products?
Wooden boxes and pallets.

Time for delivery?
1-4 weeks

Can I come to the production to check the quality of the ordered products before shipment?
Yes, we will familiarize you with the schedule of ongoing quality checks.

Can you produce a car or parts for an order?
Yes, our company has more than 15 years of experience with welding equipment. We are always ready to produce equipment on order.
 What about the delivery?
Usually by sea, it is convenient and more accessible than by rail or by air. But we are always ready to provide any delivery of the goods.

After-sales service?
12-24 months of after-sales service. We also provide free testing by professional engineers, as well as consulting services. We offer our staff for technical inspection of equipment. We are always ready to provide any spare parts for the ordered equipment.

How can we get additional details to the equipment?
Always spare parts come complete with the main machine. But also we are ready to provide any of them under the order.
Адрес: 50 Shaotang Industrial Park, Qianqiao Town, Wuxi 214153, China     Тел.: 21-60346873     Факс: 21-60346873     Эл.почта: globalsale2013@gmail.com